We aim to inspire you to tap into your desires, push you into your promise. There is so much untapped talent laying inside of you that is just going to waste. Our goal is to introduce you to that side of you that you didn’t even know existed. When we motivate you, we must first strip you of your unmotivated way of thinking about the assignment and yourself. Once we do that we then shift into developing, grooming and building you up to make you understand and know that you can conquer whatever you desire.
Book Pastor Ron to come to speak and empower you, your organization, or ministry to run at its full capacity.
We take this off season and preseason to get you ready for the GameTime. We go through a process together to condition you mentally, spiritually, and emotionally by having weekly, monthly or quarterly coaching sessions. The purpose of doing this is that we can make sure that you are operating at your optimum self, so when your GameTime season is here you are equipped to handle all that life has for you. You will have full confidence that you are built not only to last, but to win!
Our Passion at GameTime Ministries is to develop the leader within. We enjoy training leaders in churches or even in the workplace. We do that by training and developing individuals or teams to understand the importance of their roles. We have come to find there are too many leaders in position without knowing or understanding what their role or assignment is in that role. Our priority gives you a clear understanding of what and why that position is important.
We also train and develop you to birth that great leader that you are. We push you to move to the front instead of hiding in the background. We are available for training in person, one on one coaching, or even team activities. Book us now.